Personally, I don't allow Google Chrome to continue running in the background/ But that is for you to decide. If this is allowed in your Google Chrome settings, then it can indeed be running even when there is no visible Let us know if we missed something or you’re stuck somewhere in the comments section down below.There is a setting in Google Chrome that allows it to continue running various tasks in the background after you have closed the browser window. So, those were some of the ways you can make use of to prevent Chrome from closing accidentally, hope it helped. However, this can be frustrating if you’ve a lot of tabs open. Hit “Save” and you’re done! Now, you’ll get a confirmation message from each tab when you click the close button. Next up, hit that new icon on the top right corner and now fill the fields as shown below.įunction PopIt() ) First of all, download this free extension.

If you want a warning from each individual tab, a JavaScript code will need to be implemented on your browser.

Insert a custom JavaScript code to get a warning from individual tabs on Chrome. Though, we won’t recommend this if you’ve a slow system or connection. Now every time, you restart Chrome, you’ll have all the last session’s tabs load up automatically. To activate it, head over to Settings and click the “Continue where you left off” radio button. Google offers a useful setting in Chrome itself that reopens all the tabs you had while you terminated the browser. Make use of Chrome’s own “Continue where you left off” setting. This works in most of all any other windows software out there. Now whenever you’re in Chrome or any other Desktop software, press “Ctrl+1” together to disable the “X” button. Head over to this website and download the “NoClose.exe” file.By following a couple of steps, you can as per your demands disable the close button of any application on Windows.